Semester review for Graphic Design

My favorite projects

       My favorite project this semester was doing this Landscape Man. Before this project, I did a bunch of tutorials on photoshop. Then after learning the basics of Photoshop, my task was to make this man into landscape art. It took about 1 week because I had to create a bunch of layers to have masks to get the mountain pictures onto him. Some of the challenges I faced included remembering ll the things I learned before in the tutorials. I learned how the paint brush tool and the mask tool was related and that made this project much simpler to understand and do. I then showed this final product to my peers and some of them said that the hair was a little too defined and opaque so I then tried to make it a little more transparent. I am super happy with this final product because I really like the snow and the mountains and so it was cool to add what I love into this project.

             My second favorite project was making this postcard. The task was to make a postcard its the theme of your choice but there had to be a raccoon in it. this project took about 2 weeks. The biggest challenge I had was to figure out what the theme was and the handwritten font. In the bottom right corner, is a message that says "Have a happy and warm fall" and I wrote that and colored that myself and then I scanned it onto the computer. I have pretty messy handwriting so to have my own font was really difficult because it actually had to look nice. I chose the fall theme because when I think of raccoons, I think of the fall and the leaves on the ground. This project helped me learn a lot more about the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. My peers like that there were a lot of leaves that the raccoon was sitting on and I was really happy with that feedback because the leaves did take a long time. I was also told that my theme was smart because raccoons are usually out during the fall. My favorite thing about this was that the postcard was actually printed. So, I have my own original copy of this project. I do like how it turned out because it was a lot of work and it turned out pretty good.

How I used my time in class

          In class, I used all the time I could to work on my project because I wanted to look the best as they could. When I was done with my projects, I used my time in class to look at professional work and other blogs. These blogs helped enhance my learning in graphic design. My strengths in graphic design is creativity and following directions. I maximize these strengths my coming up with more ideas for the future and new project. I need to work on my time management though because I like to take my time on my projects and I usually stress when it comes to an end to a project because I'm never sure if I'll get done in time. To fix this problem, I come in over school to make sure that I get done in time with my best work.


           I really loved this semester because I built relationships through graphic design. I loved that I had a lot of freedom when it came to my projects. If I would change anything, it would be my time management skills because I really nee to work on that. I learned so much this semester about different graphic designers, graphic design movement, Adobe Illustrator,and Adobe Photoshop. My goal for next semester would be to talk less in class and to work harder and care a little more.


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