Semester Review for Video Production

Favorite Projects

Swimming Feature Story:

         This was my 2nd Feature Story project that took about 1 week to complete. The idea of it was to capture what i was like in practice and tryouts and to see how some of the swimmers thought about it.  The biggest challenge I had was filming both of my interviews because the environment was either too loud or the interviewee was too quit. My first interviewee was super quiet and I could tell that he didn't like to be asked a lot of questions. But, I made it work and I got some pretty good quotes from him. The location for my second interview had great lighting but the nat-noise was too much and to we had to wait in-between each question for it to get quiet. I learned how to create a better intro voice-over and how to audio game in Premiere Pro. I then showed my peers the video. they said that they would lie to have more sound from the pool as I showed them swimming. So, I did some audio gain to enhance the volume of the pool. I loved filming and editing this video because it was fun content an I'm really happy with the final product.

ONW Now Sports Story:

          This was my 3rd feature story. Technically it was supposed to be a sports story with stats from the games, but me and my partner accidentally didn't wrote down the stats from the game....oops. But, we made it work and made a feature story instead. This took about 4 days. The biggest challenge was to get one of the brothers to talk because he didn't know what to say right away. Throughout this project, I learned that it is better to have different shot types for the interview so that in the final project, I doesn't go back to the same shot. I am happy how this turned out because we didn't have a lot of time to get footage and to shoot and to edit, so with our time limit, I am happy with the final product.

How I use my time in class

         During our project days, I worked the entire time on my filming and my editing. On some days, it was stressful because people around me were distracting. Usually, I was done early, but on one of my videos, I was done on the day it was due. Outside of class, I watch a lot of movies and news and I observe the different shots and sequences they use. y strengths in video production is picturing my video before it even starts and getting a variety of shots. I make sure I have an idea of what the final product will look like before I go out and start filming. Then, I make sure I get  variety of shots to make my video more interesting.


         I really love doing video and I really love the people in my class and how we interact well. Sadly, my schedule is being changed next semester so i will not be in this video class for 6th hour. Instead, I will be in 7th hour video. If I would change anything, it would be how easily I get distracted, but maybe, that'll change next semester with different people around me. My goal for net semester is to do well in the entertainment side of video, even though I don't want to do that when I'm older.


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