11x17 Infographic

For the past 2 weeks, I have been working on an 11x17 infographic. The goal was to show information about a topic of my choice. I chose 2 of the Dinosaur eras because some people do not know the difference. My research was simple. I looked up different dinosaurs, plants, percentages, and maps of these eras and I included them in my infographic. I wanted my wireframe to be symmetrical and simple. So, I chose simple shapes to use for this wireframe. Then, I had to take my research and actually put it on my infographic. I created each head, plant, map, and lettering all separately in Adobe Illustrator. The pie chart was the hardest because I actually had to do some math (ew!) and I had to create the perfect sections to make it all accurate.
When I was done, I received feedback from my peers and my teacher. I mostly received some people good things about my infographic like how it was simple and easy to read and had good information. The only bad thing about my infographic was that the pie chart didn't match the colors of the background and stood out too much.
Overall, I am pretty happy how it turned out because I worked really hard on all of the details.


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