ONW Procedure video

The purpose of this assignment was to show good behavior at Olathe Northwest High School. We had to first figure out what procedure we were going to show. Then, we had to d a story-board of a outline of our video. Then, we had two days to film our shots. Finally, we had two days to editing our shots because this was the first time using Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Along the way, I learned that I needed a more variety of different types of shots and that there is a need for more shots. I learned that even if one shot is really good, I should still do that shot again to see if it can be better. If I would do anything differently, I would focus on the finish product rather than each individual shot. If I would do anything the same, I would have the same types of shots that I used. To enhance my next project, I will make sure I have more variety so that the finished video will be more interesting to watch. In the end, I really liked how the video turned out because of how little time I had to finish it.

My first procedure was "Don't walk slowly in the halls"

The, the girl almost gets run into by a guy who was walking at a normal pace and he gets really mad

 My second procedure was "Don't stop in front of the stairs"

      Then, these girls back up behind her and get mad because they want to get down the stairs.


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