ONW 1 in 2000

This past week, I interviewed ONW Sophomore, Olivia Markey, about her brother leaving to join the U.S. Navy. She was pretty emotional about this experience because she is now the only child in her house and she was pretty close to her brother, Sean. Sean is three years older than Olivia, so their schedules were never the same. But, when they did spend time together, they had made good memories.

The first thing in my video is my voiceover. I decided to include who I was interviewing, what they were talking about, and some background information. The script for the voiceover was pretty easy to create but what was hard was recording it. I had to find a really quiet place and I had to speak clearly. It took me a couple tries to get the sound just right.

When it was time to shoot, Olivia and I had a tough time getting al the questions and answers right. Sometimes, there were loud people in the hallways so we had to wait for them to either quiet down, or leave. The, sometimes either I or Olivia had difficulty saying the right words so we had to start the question all over again. We also had little time to get both of us interviewed, so time wasn’t in our favor.

Then, we had t start editing Editing was tough because my SD card wasn’t able to upload one of my clips so in the video, I only have one angle of Olivia. This was also the second time using Adobe Premier Pro so it was hard to remember what I learned from the last video that I did. But, in the end, I really like how my video turned out because it has a good beginning, good questions and answers, and a good fade for the ending.


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