Personal Music Video Review

The purpose of this project was to create a music video based on a song of our group's choosing. The process was simple, we created a storyboard, then a beat sheet, and then we got our schedule for production, and then we shot our film and then edited. The hardest part was staying to the storyboard and getting good shots. Everyone in our group had different views on this shots and had different ideas, and with 5 people in a crew, compromising can be difficult. I learned along the way how to do more artistic shots. I also learned how to work with 5 people on the same thing. If I would do something different, I would have gotten shots of the older walking towards the camera instead of walking away. I also would have used the dolly for the moving shots because the stabilization in Premiere doesn't work well. I really like the park scenes with the older kids but we should've had more shots of the little kids. When my group presented our video, our classmates felt the mood of the video and one person cried so that helped me be more confident in the final product.


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