Profession Music Video Review-This Is Gospel

This purpose of this professional music video was to get the meaning of a song in a dark, unique way (which is panic! at the disco's style). The first line of the one is, "This is gospel for the fallen ones" and the first "scene" of the video is someone dying on the operation table and the second scene is someone in a coffin. Mostly, the entire video is one big nightmare and represents breaking up with someone who won't let them go. If I could add anything, I would add shots of people burying the coffin or to add another "nightmare" scene. Earlier, I learned that in action shots, it is best to not use a tripod and that concept is shown in this video. The creator did a really good job of capturing a different theme of the song than people might not think of when they her this song. Overall, I really like this video because it covers the dark aspect of the song and i like that about panic! at the disco.


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