Poster Prominence

The Summary of a Poster Design and Purpose

The purpose of a poster is to get an idea out to the public in a simplistic way. The poster should be generous but has a maximum effect with minimum graphic means. A person should be able to walk by a poster, get the point, and remember it. If this is achieved, then it is a successful poster. The lettering integrated into the picture is a component of the pictorial information. The lettering should help to impart information quickly and this is best done if the style is clean and legible and a good, easy to read from a far distance. The object of a poster should be clearly expressed by shapes and colors. The form of presentation must be large as well as being effective at a distance. Color can be fascinating and can be an element giving and impression of rhythm. You want your viewers to want to read the poster and color can help with that.

Three Key Points

Posters are important because they are memorable even after you are done reading them and make the reader think, "oh hey maybe I should go to that event" or something like that. 
Colors make a huge difference on a poster. If the colors aren't appealing, then no one will want to read that poster.
Different types of shapes and where they are placed create different messages. For example, a lapidary shape of the picture can release a strong effect. Horizontal and vertical elements of a shape, harmoniously composed, can produce a static form

My Favorite Thing from this Article and Why it is Valuable for the Future

My favorite about this article was that it talked about shapes. When I create my designs, I don't think much about shapes but now I know how important they are to a poster and I will use that information for my upcoming poster project.

General Though & Conclusions

If you want to make a poster, then you should remember to make it memorable and easy to read. Plus, the information should be concise and to the point because the purpose is to have someone read it quickly and understand it.


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