Chase Sequence......intense tag game

The scope of the project was to create a chase scene, much like you would see in a movie.

I did an intense game of tag. My partner and I's first idea was a slender-man theme, but then we didn't have the costume or correct environment to do that, so we needed something on the lines of  someone popping out of nowhere, so we wanted to do an intense game of tag.

Our storyboard had someone popping out of nowhere to add suspense. We had to do shots different days because we did not have a lot of time to shoot and we also sometimes didn't realize that we didn't have very good shots at the beginning, so we needed to redo those. After we started editing, we realized that we needed more shots to make it more interesting, so we needed to shoot again.

I learned that the concept of the rule-of-thirds was important and that coming-in-late and leave-early was also important to make shots interesting and not boring. I also learned that collaboration was important because we needed to come up with a more realistic concept of an idea that we could actually do.

If I would do something different, I would be to try to get the shots all in one day and not have different clothes on. I really liked that we were able to pull off the different shots to have the guy to pop out out of nowhere.

In my next projects, I would make sure that the shadow of the camera was not in the shot.

In all, I really like the video because of the music and all of the suspense and the really good and clean shots.


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